Day 3 of the HAPS 2021 Conference has come to an end. Wendy started the Main Hall Welcome by acknowledging some canine attendees. Congrats to Dexter for getting his Dogtorate for participating and to Oliver who is teaching his rubber chicken about all he learned!

The day’s events began with Synapse, a popular favorite amongst HAPSters. Burhan Gharaibeh, Marisol Lopez, Meaghan MacNutt, Jill Kirby, Heather Billings, Juno Farnsworth, and Kebret Kebde all presented fantastic talks within their time limit! Great job presenters! Following a workshop session, HAPS held a fun lunchtime event: Meet Your Regional Director. Check out this group of Central Region HAPSters!

In the afternoon we heard from our 5th Update Speaker: Melissa Caroll who discussed “Representation and Anatomical Diversity”. Caroll is the founder of Black in Anatomy

Today HAPSters visited three more workshop sessions and our third poster session. The evening ended with Exhibitor focus groups. We were reminded to meet with exhibitors and ask for letters to the Word Scramble! Don’t forget! The winner of the Word Scramble contest will receive free registration to the 2022 conference.