Do you use innovative technology in the classroom or lab? Could other educators benefit from your experience? Are you eager to share how technology could enhance everyone’s teaching and learning? If your answer to any of these questions is “Yes,” or even “I think so,’ then you should consider applying for the AD Instruments/Sam Drogo Technology in the Classroom award for 2017.
Sam Drogo was a long-time, active HAPS member, a dedicated and innovative teacher, and a fervent advocate of inquiry-based learning. He loved to demonstrate to his colleagues how the effective use of technology could enhance the classroom and lab experience and contribute to student success.

In Sam’s honor, AD Instruments has provided funding for three $500 awards to support your attendance at the HAPS Annual Meeting and to encourage you to present a workshop in Salt Lake City. To be eligible to apply for the award, you simply need to be a HAPS member, teach anatomy and physiology at the undergraduate level, and have your students use technology as part of their experience. A desire to share your techniques with other HAPSters is certainly a plus.
Sam was a well-loved and highly respected colleague and friend to so many of us. He was also a fantastic educator. These awards honor him and his contributions to HAPS. So help us celebrate Sam’s contributions to teaching-and please consider applying for one of these awards. We’d love to see you in Salt Lake City!

Do you have to be a member to apply ?
No. But you might as well because non-member conference registration costs more. And HAPS has a lot more to offer than just scholarships! Check out this video.