HAPS Educator
The official peer-reviewed publication of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS)

The Blog
Curated articles about personal experiences, trends, and events written by and for A & P instructors

Your source of the latest news about happenings in HAPS and in the A & P world
Winter 2024
The latest edition explores various innovative strategies in teaching physiology and related subjects, aimed at enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes. This includes: 1. Help-Seeking in A&P and Muddiest Point Assignments, 2. Medical Student Perceptions of Pre-Clerkship Learning Objectives, 3. Exam Methods in College A&P Courses, 4. Extraction of the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems, and 5. A Visual Demonstration of the Brachial Plexus.

The Latest from HAPS
HAPS 2020 Virtual Conference Day 1
Day one of the 2020 Virtual Conference is complete! Today we heard from two of our update speakers: Anne…
HAPS Online Silent Auction – Hosted by the Fundraising Committee
Although we will not be able to meet in person at the HAPS 2020 Annual Conference, the Fundraising Committee…
HAPS 2020 Virtual Conference
The HAPS Annual Conference is one of the best parts of being a HAPS member. Every year we get…
Remote Proctoring of the HAPS Exams
Remote proctoring of the HAPS Exams always brings up a raft of questions about the process, who does the…
First Timer Experiences at The HAPS 2019 Conference
A note from Blog Master, Ann Raddant: This post wraps up our series of posts looking back at the…
Funding opportunities for the HAPS annual conference (part 2 of 2)
In addition to the Supported Awards that we covered in our previous post, there are four additional awards administered…
Funding opportunities for the HAPS annual conference (part 1 of 2)
If you could use some financial assistance to travel to the 2020 HAPS Annual Conference in Ottawa, consider applying…
Research Update on the Gut-Implant Microenvironment Axis
Hi HAPsters, I am happy to be writing a follow-up on the work I presented to you at the…
Vibrating beyond anatomy
The first breath. The downbeat. Music surrounds me. I am happy. I smile at my memory of singing…
Chronic disease begins in the womb – and earlier
Dr. Kent Thornburg of Oregon Health & Science University presented an intriguing “Update Seminar” at the HAPS meeting in…
Anatomy & Physiology students share their knowledge with the world through Wikipedia
We all know that students use Wikipedia. But many don’t have the skills to evaluate the accuracy of the…
The HAPS Learning Outcome revisions are here!
The full revision of the HAPS Learning Outcomes (LOs) is now available on the HAPS website! This is the…