This post comes from the Communications Committee Talking Points Coordinator, Dr. Krista Rompolski of Drexel University.
The HAPS Annual Conference is less than a week away. I told my students the other day that for an A&P professor, this is Woodstock. They didn’t quite understand, but I’m sure you all do! This is the one event of the year where we can share our unbridled enthusiasm about the human body with people who feel the same, and don’t mind if you talk dissection over dinner.
The Communications Committee is always seeking ways to connect members and non-members with HAPS. As a fun way to keep us connected during the conference days, the ComCom has a special activity to share! Look out for this notebook circulating on the conference floor:

Think of this as the ComCom version of “hot potato.” I will start passing this notebook around during the social on Saturday evening. Here are the rules:
- Keep the notebook for no longer than one hour (if you have it in your possession after 10pm, keep it safe until the following morning).
- Using one or two pages, do one of the following:
- Share a story about how HAPS changed your life in some way
- Share a best or worst moment in teaching
- Share a teaching tip; this could be your best advice, or something specific, like a drawing
- Include your name, and where you are from. If you would agree to have your contribution shared in the conference wrap up publication, please put an asterisk after your name. I will take some photos of the submissions with asterisks and share those in a conference wrap-up blog post!
- If you get the notebook and don’t want to participate, please randomly pass it along. But please pass it to someone you don’t know! We want to connect new HAPSters!
On Monday afternoon, whoever has the notebook at 4pm should return it to me, where the door prize drawings will be taking place. If those directions change due to conference timing or needs, I’ll indicate that in the front of the notebook. One lucky HAPSter will be randomly selected from the door prize pool to go home with this fun collection of HAPS memories/tips/stories!
I can’t wait to see what we come up with, and what we have to share! See you all in May!
Love this idea!!
I’ll be at the prizes table by 3 Monday! Whoever has it then, please turn in so that I may take snapshots!