Anyone who knows me realizes that blogging/social media is NOT my thing. Yet here I am with another President-elect task – trying to convince you to take time from your busy schedules to vote for our next members of the HAPS Board of Directors before March 31. I even sank to surfing the web looking for some “Blogging for Dummies” guidance. Then I went searching for some relevant quotes about voting that might inspire my blog post.
The first quote that seemed to fit is: “Honor the past, Support the future – Vote”. Although this was from a U.S. Department of Defense website promoting voting among Army members, it did seem to speak to our celebrating our 30th anniversary in Atlanta this May.
The second quote is: “Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, one another, this country and this world.” ~ Sharon Salzberg. With the December HAPS regional conference at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia, this quote seems appropriate.
OK, tired of surfing, I went back out on my porch in hopes of some real inspiration for this blog. For once, our spring break coincides with our beautiful spring weather this week. I am certainly grateful for that, but soaking up the sunshine I also realized how grateful I am for the thoughtful response we received as our Nominating Committee reached out to nominees. The slate of candidates you see this year (HERE) represents the greatest value of HAPS – all our members. Every one of them has already dedicated themselves by being willing to give of their time and talents if elected. It is now YOUR turn to give to HAPS. By voting, you show all of our candidates, current and future HAPS leaders the enthusiasm and support of the membership that is needed to keep going another 30 years.
As my vitamin D was being activated, I realized this election will be creating my leadership team as I become President on July 1. That is scary and exhilarating at the same time. But I am confident in the support and assistance I will get from everyone in HAPS. I certainly want to thank my nominating committee for their efforts: Don Kelley, Kevin Patton, and Wendy Riggs.
No matter which individuals you end up voting for, your vote is a vote of confidence in all of the candidates, and maybe more importantly, a thank you! Making a little time in your schedule to say “thank you” is a great way to touch base with what matters in the midst of a crazy and crowded day. So please, go to your email and find the link to your personal online ballot. HAPS will be sending weekly reminders to those members that don’t vote, so that is another incentive to vote early, so your inbox doesn’t keep getting filled.
Hope to see you all in Atlanta soon,