After many years as the HAPS Business Manager, Shanan Atkinson has decided to accept a new position and will be leaving her current role. HAPS uses Association Services Group (ASG) for the business office tasks like accounting, contracts, and organizing the logistics of our conferences – they handle these duties for a number of organizations. This means that HAPS is in good hands with highly qualified people ready to step into Shanan’s shoes.

Shanan leaves us with our affairs in good order: HAPS Atlanta is pretty much all set, and HAPS Salt Lake City planning is on firm ground. All aspects of HAPS/ASG business are carefully documented and filed. Brittney Roberts and Stephanie Boyd, ASG employees who have worked our conference for years, will still be with us. Brittney already handles many of our email communications, so if you have questions or concerns, you should have no fear of getting lost in the transition.
Charles Hall, President/CEO of ASG, has communicated personally with both Peter and me to make sure we will be happy with Shanan’s replacement. We were given the opportunity to review and ask questions about the decision.

After careful consideration, I’m pleased to announce the appointment of Caitlin Hyatt as the new HAPS Business Manager.
Caitlin has worked for ASG for nearly 4 years; she had 3 years prior experience in a similar organization. She has been the assistant executive director (working with Shanan) for 2 of Shanan’s other groups: AACA, the American Association of Clinical Anatomists, and DGA, Direct Gardening Association for about a year now.Both of these groups were enthusiastic about Caitlin’s promotion to Business Manager with the departure of Shanan.
“A little bit about me on a personal level: I’m an active mom of a lively 10 month old son, who loves to run. In my spare time I enjoy listening to podcasts, reading, and baking (much to the dismay of my husband’s personal fitness goals).”
Please join me in wishing Shanan well, and in welcoming Caitlin to HAPS!