In Fall 2014 the phone rang and it was Mike Roseman from Thieme, a publisher of textbooks. Mike is the Director of Sales for North America. Thieme had always had good experiences with HAPS and is a regular exhibitor at Annual Conferences and now he wanted to find ways to work with and support HAPS even more. He asked what we thought would be a great way to do that, and so in addition to the 30% discount Thieme offers to all HAPS members and their students (just use code “HAPS30” at checkout), Thieme is helping HAPS celebrate great teaching. It was as simple as that – Thieme wanted to help and a few months later, Terry Thompson was the first recipient of the HAPS-Thieme Award for Excellence in Teaching.

This award is important for HAPS because great teaching is the heart of HAPS. The recipient of this award will be nominated by a peer, be vetted by a committee of dedicated HAPS members, and be celebrated at the Annual Conference. This is the largest single award that HAPS offers, and it includes both a $1500 cash award and also complimentary registration for the 2016 Annual Conference in Atlanta.

The recipient must attend the Annual Conference to receive his or her award. But he or she also has to come because we’re not crazy– we’re not going to give an award for great teaching and then not get to experience some of that great teaching! So the recipient also gives the HAPS-Thieme Excellence in Teaching workshop, which gives us all an opportunity see the teacher in action.
Do you know someone who is a great A&P teacher? Why not take a moment to nominate that person? All you will need to do is write a few short paragraphs and get the person you are nominating to acknowledge that he or she is willing and able to come to the Annual Conference. Like all HAPS awards, we have worked to make the application/nomination process as streamlined as possible.
Nominations are due December 1.