Welcome back from the holiday! The Communications Committee (responsible for maintaining this blog) took a restful break and we’re fired up and ready for a new set of fun blog posts.
Not surprisingly, while the Communications Committee (fondly known as the ComCom) was enjoying good food, the rest of the HAPS leadership was hard at work maintaining this great organization. True to the theme describing all the amazing resources HAPS has to offer its members, today’s post is about a new partnership garnered over the break.
HAPS works hard to provide its members with high quality teaching resources and the intention of this blog theme is to make sure HAPSters know what is available to them. And true to form, instead of sitting back and admiring the good work that has been done, the HAPS leadership has been busy pursuing additional resources and conveniences for its membership. This is evidenced by a recent addition to the HAPS website.
HAPS enjoys a strong partnership with the American Physiological Society (APS). This is the society that maintains the Life Science Teaching Resource Community (formally known as the APS Archive of Teaching Resources), which was featured in a series of HAPS blog posts last year. HAPS has always been a partner with APS and has actively contributed resources to the LifeSciTRC. For example, materials developed in HAPS-I courses have always been published in the LifeSciTRC. However, in the last few weeks, HAPS Executive Director Peter English has taken this partnership a step further. Peter put together a page within the HAPS website that explicitly brings together the materials from these HAPS-I courses since 2012! The resources are organized into collections that put all course content in one easy to access link.
So check out this latest addition to the wealth of resources found on the HAPS website.
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