“Hi, you’re on the air with Elizabeth Hodgson, chair of the HAPS Marketing Committee!”
I laugh and explain that I’m calling to find out the latest and greatest about the HAPS Brand and what we’re doing to expand our image. I ask what tasks currently face the Marketing Committee on a weekly basis.
“Well, that’s an interesting and surprising complex question. We post on our Twitter account about items and events that promote HAPS as a society. We post items such as conference deadlines, HAPS-I information, scholarship details, and Blog updates. We also promote individual members making headlines, such as President Valerie O’Loughlin giving the keynote address at an international conference!”

Do you have plans for HAPS brand merchandise to sell on the HAPS website? Many people are clamoring for the Lumbar Mugs to come back.
“Ha, yeah right. Kevin Petti is finally over his night terrors about finally getting rid of all of those. I suppose we could try Cervical Shot glasses…hmm. Actually, we are addressing that issue and looking at our options. Determining an inventory and storage location are two details that we need to iron out.”
Are the rumors true about our hostile takeover of Nestle Purina?
“Yes, we plan to take over the chocolate branch, but will leave the dog food production untouched. Chocolate is WAY more important.”
Where were you on the morning of January 15th, when a silver blur saved 27 commuters trapped on the elevated train?
“Wait, I WAS that silver blur! Did you miss the tweet?”
Are there any questions that I missed?
“For the answer to that and other thought-provoking questions, check out the HAPS twitter account. Until then, aloha!”