HAPS Exam Program Committee
mission & vision
Our Focus on Anatomy & Physiology
Due to the secure nature of the exams, membership in this program is limited and by application only when the Exam Program puts out a call to apply to be on one of our Panels of Experts (in Anatomy, Physiology, or A&P).
Exam development is the responsibility of HAPS members with appropriate expertise in
the discipline. Periodically, the Exam Program puts out a call to apply for our Panels of
Experts. We have Expert Panels in Anatomy, A&P, and Physiology. Each Panel of
Experts works with the Program Leads in creating exam questions, mapping questions
to specific HAPS Learning Outcomes, and determining the Blooms level (e.g., lower or
higher order) of each exam question.
In addition to the A&P exams, the HAPS exam program also developed the HAPS
Anatomy-only learning outcomes and developed multiple versions of an Anatomy-only
exam. This exam is designed to assess learning in one-semester introductory level
Human Anatomy university courses, and is also administered online via a secure
lockdown browser. For more information about all exams, please see https://www.hapsweb.org/page/Exam_FAQ
More recently an expert panel of HAPS volunteers completed a set of Physiology
Learning Outcomes (PLO) that are based around core concepts in physiology. The PLO
and accompanying documents are now published open access on the HAPS website.
Peer-reviewed articles about the PLO have been published in the HAPS Educator
(https://doi.org/10.21692/haps.2023.010)Â and in Advances in Physiology Education
Exam Leads
Janet Casagrand: A&P Exam Program Lead, jcasagrand@hapsconnect.org
Dee Silverthorn: Physiology Exam Program Lead, dsilver@hapsconnect.org
Valerie O’Loughlin: Anatomy Exam Program Lead, voloughl@hapsconnect.org