The deadline to submit workshop and poster proposals to present your work in Atlanta is fast approaching. February 26 will be here before you know it. February 26 is also the last day to register for the annual conference at Early Bird rates- even more motivation to buckle down and complete your proposals.
The annual conference poster sessions always bring a variety of engaging topics to the floor. All presenters must be registered for at least the Update Speaker Sessions portion of the conference. The Update Seminar Package (May 21 – May 23) includes the Saturday evening Welcome Reception, all update seminars, continental breakfasts, refreshment breaks, and the Monday night social.
Submit a poster proposal now!
(Poster proposals DUE 2/26)

The workshops take place during the second half of the conference and this year, they will happen at Georgia Institute of Technology. All presenters must be registered for at least the workshop portion of the conference. The Workshop Package (May 24 – May 25) includes all workshops, breakfast, box lunches both days, and transportation between the Hyatt Regency Atlanta and Georgia Institute of Technology on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Submit a workshop proposal now!
(Workshop proposals DUE 2/26)
If you want to attend both the update seminars AND the workshops, then register for the Entire Conference Package (May 21 – May 25). This package includes the Saturday evening Welcome Reception, all update seminars, continental breakfasts, refreshment breaks, Monday night social, workshop sessions hosted by Georgia Institute of Technology, breakfast and lunch at the host institute, and transportation to and from the campus on workshop days. Phew! That’s the best deal- and totally worth making it happen.
So make it happen- HAPSters attending the Annual Conference want to hear about the cool things YOU are doing.