2024 President’s Medal was presented by President Kerry Hull to…
Murray Jensen

Let me tell you just some of the ways this person has done so much to advance the mission of HAPS (research, teaching, AND service).
First- tireless and generous in their personal efforts to teach the rest of us how to be good teachers, by setting up the class for success, by using collaborative quizzes and guided inquiry. He’s used all possible modalities, from countless workshops, posters, blogs, HAPS Educator articles, and probably hundreds of one-on-on conversations. He is amazingly generous in sharing his activities with others, including on the HAPS website. Initiated and implemented a special HAPS Educator issue focusing on classroom activities.
He is a PI on not one but THREE grants that focus on HAPS members and promote the HAPS mission. His first NSF grant allowed a group of HAPS members to write 15 POGIL activities for entry level A&P, most of which were freely available on the HAPS website. Here is a photo of the folks involved in this grant.
The second NSF grant was for the CAPER project, RECAPER was a follow on from CAPER, and we have a number of participants with us today.
Through these grants he has made measurable impacts on the professional lives of a multitude of instructors and, by extension, their students. He is exceptional in his ability to build relationships – rarely do we see photos of Murray working alone. So I present to you this year’s recipient – Murray Jensen.