2006 President’s Medal was presented by President Frederic Martini to…
Donna White

I am pleased to announce that our Marketing Manager, Donna White, has been awarded the 2006 President’s Award. Donna has served over the years on various committees, and she was the Regional Director for the Southern Region prior to assuming the role of Marketing Manager. After successfully serving in that capacity for several years, Donna added to her work load in 2005 by mentoring Javni Mody so that Javni will be ready to take over the Marketing manager position unassisted as of July 1, 2006.
In her time as Marketing Manager, Donna’s skills, congenial nature, and dedication to excellence enabled us to achieve financial security while maintaining close relationships with both exhibitors and affiliated societies who display at our annual and regional conferences. In view of this, and in consideration of all she has done for HAPS over the last decade, the Board was unanimous and enthusiastic to have Donna White be the recipient of the “President’s Award” for 2006.
This award carries with it not only the honor and respect of the award itself bu also a lovely engraved medal with the HAPS logo and the name and year of the award on one side, with the recipient’s name on the other side. It also comes with the following: conference registration fee and annual banquet fee paid by HAPS at a future annual conference of the recipient’s choosing; an article announcing the recipient, written by the awarding President, for the Fall Edition of the HAPS-EDucator, and a formal letter of appreciation sent to the administration of the recipient’s home institution, in this case Collin County Community College, in Plano, TX.
Donna’s willingness to assume the important responsibility of Marketing manager is a tribute to her personally, as well as to the college she represents. She has contributed significantly to our organization’s growth, fostered partnerships with other organizations, enhanced our financial position, and improved our abilities to communicate and function more efficiently! It has been my privilege and pleasure to work with Donna this past year, and it is my honor to award her the President’s Award for 2006. Donna, on behalf of HAPS, I want to say thank you most sincerely for all you have done for us.